Aztec Wrestling Nation Newsletter #1 2021-2022 12/6/2021
A new season of Aztec Wrestling is underway. The coaching staff has some small changes but the team results will continue to be solid and competitive, in sports and in life. As the Middle School season comes to an end, thus starts the High School season.
Head Coach of Boys and Girls: Coach Herb Stinson was the 4th and now the 8th head coach to have the privilege to run this stoic program. He was a wrestler at Aztec in the late-sixties and is starting his 48th season as a wrestling coach.
Head Varsity Boys Assistant: Coach Levi Stout was a State Champion for Aztec, in 2000. Levi brings great skill in the art of the takedown and will greatly improve Aztec with his coaching and drive.
Head Varsity Girls Assistant: Coach Bryan Robison was a 2X State Champ for Aztec, in 97 & 98. Bryan’s specialty is mat wrestling. His understanding of leverage and position has greatly helped Aztec.
Head Coach of Academics: Coach Caleb Robison was on the 2000 State Championship team. Along with coaching wrestling, he will oversee our academic development as we move the program toward developing stronger student athletes.
Head Junior Varsity Coach: Coach Hank Strauss, who wrestled in the late 2000’s for Aztec, will be in charge of developing our younger wrestler, so that we once again become a reload, not rebuild program.
Head Middle School Coach: Coach JJ Griego was a State Champ in 1999 for Aztec. JJ is in charge of developing kids to move up to the High School and start to instill a No Fear attitude in our athletes when stepping on the mat, or into life itself.
Middle School Assistant: Coach Ben Olguin was our first 5X State place winner and was on 5 different State Champion teams in Aztec. His drive for excellence is second to none.
Koogler Middle School 2021 Basin Wrestling Champions: Team Scoring Top 6
Koogler MS 195.5
Heights MS 195
Mesa View MS 178.5
Hermosa MS 154
Kirtland MS 98
Tibbetts MS 50
Koogler Place Winners:
73# 7th grader Nathan Hare Basin Champion
78# 7th grader Aceson Hennrich Basin Runner-up
88# 8th grader Taven Burkett 4th place
93# 8th grader Jace Archuleta Basin Champion
98# 7th grader CJ Saiz 4th place
104# 7th grader Koltyn White 3rd place
111# 8th grader Taner Olguin Basin Champion
118# 8th grader Jauquin Duran 3rd place
125# 7th grader Delano Black Basin Champion
133# 8th grader Kale Sours 3rd place
142# 7th grader Gavin Clow 4th place
154# 7th grader Devon Stegall 4th place
167# 8th grader Nathan Canuto 4th place
180# 7th grader Trystan Nix 3rd place
Koogler JV Place Winners:
111# 7th grader Corey Douglas JV Basin Champ
118# 7th grader Nathan Javalera 4th place
154# 8th grader Tanner Gonzales JV Basin Champ
Girl 154# 7th grader Ava Poyer Basin Runner-up
Aztec’s Early Season JV Round Robin Individual Results:
106# 9th grader Mason Robison Champion
132# 9th grader Jesse Stegall no place
132# 9th grader Logan Whitaker Runner-up
145# 10th grader Jayden Godbay 3rd place
152# 9th grader Austin Stegall Runner-up
160# 9th grader Nate Selph 5th place
170# 12th grader Nick Mendez 3rd place
182# 10th grader Cardenas Simeon Runner-up
285# 12th grader Landon Petty Runner-up
285# 9th grader Deegan Keenom Champion
Congratulations to Koogler Middle School for winning the coveted San Juan Basin Middle School Championship by ½ point !! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Next Events: Thursday, December 9th. Home Dual vs Bayfield JV and Varsity @ 6 pm. Teacher Appreciation Night. Saturday, December 11th. Varsity/ JV/ Girls Bloomfield Tournament all day ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Aztec Tiger Wrestling Booster Club Fundraiser: Panda Express, Sunday, December 12th from 11 am - 9:30 pm 20% of the event sales that day will be donated to the wrestling team. You must enter code 330453 on the Panda Express App when ordering online or find the flyer on the Aztec Tigers Wrestling Facebook page and show that to them when ordering in person.
Many “THANKS” must go out to those who helped run our first event of the season run smoothly, as always.